My First Week As A Teacher

My First Week As A Teacher

On Wednesday, September 5th, I started my career as a teacher. It was a bit nerve-racking at first, but by Friday of that week, I found myself sad that the week was already over. With very large class sizes, I found myself to be a small presence in a very diverse, packed classroom. At first, I found this to be overwhelming. However, towards the end of first period, my jitters were calmed and I was ready to take on the challenge of making my presence, present. My classes are composed of 10th grade ELLs and freshmen students. What my students did not realize was that we were "one in the same." It was my very first day navigating and being a member of the high school as well. Once I relayed this information to my students, the atmosphere in the classroom became much more comfortable as it became clear we were all going to get through this first day together. As day one of my first week came to an end, I found myself eager to get to school the next day and continue the process of getting to know my students and the building. As the week continued, an open line of communication had formed between the students and I. This was because we had a mutual understanding of each other. This aided in creating a smooth transition into the year and a more positive classroom environment. Overall I was very pleased with how the first week went, and I am very excited to get back to school!

Vocabulary Defined
Career- A meaningful job that somebody has for a long time or works towards.
Nerve-Racking- A bit scary, or something that makes someone nervous.
Presence- A person's existence, or someone being noticed or being present.
Overwhelming- A feeling when it feels like a lot of things are happening at one time. Too much to handle at once.
Composed- Made up of a certain group or item.
Freshmen- First year students, in this case, 9th grade students.
"One in the same"- In the same situation, not very different.
Navigating- Figuring out.
Relayed- Passed this information on.
Atmosphere- Mood or environment.
Eager- Excited.
Mutual- Both people understand and are on the same page.
Aided- Helped.

Vocabulary Exercises 

1) Create a sentence with the word composed in it.

2) Create a sentence with the word career in it.

3) Fill in the blank with one of the words from the list above:

The                                            at the stadium was energetic and hopeful, as we all cheered for our team to win. 

Grammar Point Defined
Past Tense: The past tense is used for things that happen in the past. One can tell the past tense is being used by looking for -ed added onto vocabulary words. 
Example: Liked, looked, watched.

Grammar Point Exercises

1) Write 2-3 sentences about your childhood best friend in the past tense.


  1. So interesting to read about your first week of teaching! You should keep this record. It will be interesting to read about it years from now. I like your vocabulary choices and the grammar point.


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