Parent Teacher Conferences

I truly love teaching ELL students. I find them to be so interesting and full of experiences. I find them to be full of experiences that a teacher would not often expect someone their age to have. I strongly believe in having an active relationship with the parents of my students, especially because of some of the experiences certain students have had. However, due to the language barrier with many of the parents, it often poses to be difficult task to effectively communicate.
As the fall semester is reaching its somewhat end, I will have to begin planning for parent teacher conferences. I am both very excited and very nervous for these conferences. I am excited because I can now meet many of the parents I talk to frequently, but I am nervous because of the language barrier. I am also nervous if the parents disagree with some of the things I will mention about their children. 
I have relied on an app called "Talking Points," in which the app does the translating for me and the parents, making conversation simple and easy. However, in person, I will not have this app to use. I might be able to understand some of the parents, but for others I may have to use the assistance of a translator. 
In order to prepare, I am planning on having a brief "write-up" on each student ready at the meeting. I will talk about how they are doing in the class, if they are putting in effort, if they are behaving, and if they are doing their homework/work. I also tend on including if there has been any changes in their work ethics, their behavior, their interactions with others, and their interactions with me. I am expecting that some of the students will be there as well, so I hope these go well. I also hope the students will take the advice or feedback I give to their parents to improve their work ethics, or keep up the great work. 

Vocabulary Defined
-ELL = English Language Learner.
-Language Barrier = Unable to communicate due to speaking different languages.
-Poses = seems to be. 
-Semester = a half a year term in school setting. 
-Frequently = very often.
-Relied = depend on.
-Assistance = help of. 
-Brief = Short.
-Tend on = planning on.
-Work Ethics = Habits and motivations regarding to doing work. 

Vocabulary Exercises 
1. Describe your personal work ethic. What habits do you have when doing homework and studying for tests? 

2. Create a sentence using the word "semester."

3. Which word above, fits in the sentence below?
"I                                        on the bus to get me to school everyday."

Grammar Point
Simple Present Tense- A tense to discuss what action is going to happen in the future. The Simple present is often indicated by using the word will or shall. 

Grammar Exercises 
1. Underline all the simple present indicators in the paragraph above. 

2. Create your own "simple present tense" sentence.

3. Star the correct sentence showing "simple present tense" below.
        a. I had a great time at the party.
        b. For Thanksgiving, I shall set the table.
        c. We took apart the car. 


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